Final Advert: Process
Step 1:
1. Open
2. Choose Pixlr E.
3. Click 'Create New'.
4. Change the name to ‘My watch advert’.
5. Change the width to 1024 and height to 768.
6. Tap ‘Background’ and choose the colour white.
7. Click ‘Create’.
Step 2: Create the white canvas
1. A white canvas will appear.
Step 3: Open your image
1. Go to 'File', and then click 'Open Image'.
Step 6: Add a logo to the advert
2. Select your image. Then, Enter 1024 X 768 in the boxes next to 'New Size' and then click 'Apply'.
3.. Your Image will now show up.
Step 4: Edit your image
1. You can edit your image using 'Filter' and 'Adjustment'.
You can try different special effects, if you don't like them you can press 'Undo' from 'Edit'.
1. Go to 'Edit' and click 'Copy.'
2. Go back to the white canvas and click 'Paste.'
3. The image will be pasted on the white canvas.
1. Go to 'File' and click 'Stock search'.
2. Type the keyword of the image you want to find in the searching bar.
Step 5: Add text to the advert
1. Click 'Text' in the toolbar and type the text you want.
2. You can change the font, colour, size, format and style by clicking the buttons in the toolbar on top.
Good process and technical detail - well done - Please just add reflection on your final advert