Alice's Adventure: Adding Final Work to Website

 After finalising all designs and adding updated logo consistently for all pages I added my images in a new gallery on my website

After adding to the gallery we rearranged the order to make sure it was correct and then adjusted the gallery size to make sure it had impact on the site when it was opened.  We then tested this and previewed the gallery to check it working and then changed the titles so that they were correct when clicking on the image. 

I then made further adjustments:

  • I changed the section background on each page to a pale pink which I used in the header
  • I added 'back to portfolio buttons on each portfolio page and changed the font to Libre Baskerville  14 pts and the background to a slightly darker pink 
  • I added an introduction and title to new portfolio page and the font used was Georgia which matched the main website font.
  • I updated and added a title to my main portfolio page again using Georgia font
  • I added my logo onto the header and this is now consistent with my new portfolio for this term. 

I then republished and checked all the website and buttons were working properly and I made adjustments where there were issues and republished again. 

I am happy with the changes and updates and I believe my portfolio is well presented and consistent in design and works well on my website.


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