Software Testing Photoshop
Today we are testing and learning how to use Photoshop practising mock up a portfolio page for my major project in this term
I have a plain white background to work on then I have added a title called Undersea Collection The font size is 60 pt and I have chooes Freestyle Script and I use the move tool to move the title in the top middle
I have chosen a picture from the unsplash and I have downloaded and I click on the open button in the top of the menu and choose the image
I have clicked back to the main canvas and click paste and I adjust the sizing and a placement of the image by using the move tool and I have click onto the text tool and add text box to write down the concept with Freestyle Script
I have use Tailorbrands to create my own logo and I have to make a snip off my logo and save it to the download in my computer and I have upload the logo to Photoshop and then I have click select button and all in the top of the menu and I edit copy and go back to the mock up page and click paste and I have news for transform controls and use the move tool to move it in the correct place
Good work - just remember to add final work